Sunday, 28 November 2010

craig oldham

paul rand

if you are big into logo design you should have a look at this website. paul rand designed such IBM, UPS and ABC.

this i one of my favorite peaces of design that paul rand did. the reason that i like it is simple, bright colours and it is very clever design,
there will be more old uni and college work will be put up this week. and some more pictures.

self portrait

this was a self portrait i did on Adobe Illustrator CS4. This was done i my 1st year at uni. i was one of my favorite peaces of work i did last year. i can remember it look me about 6-8 hours to do.

This is the original image that i drew over.

on a walk

These are some pictures i look on a walk around Drumoak in Aberdeenshire where i live.
the weathers conditions on the day was it was very sunny and it was quite warm for a october morning.